Friday, February 24, 2012

Spots On, Spots Off (Almost. . .)

Aren't "liver" spotted Dalmatians adorable?

Last Friday, I did it. I had my hands iced. That is to say I had them dry iced by my dermatologist.

Remember? I told you it would be on my new year's calendar.

I know my dermatologist is great for a number of reasons -- think Eucerin -- but I had confirmation when I saw one of France's -- and the world's -- most famous actresses (French) leave her office as I entered. Her skin was makeup free and beautiful. I smiled. She smiled. And that was that.

At the moment, one week after the "procedure," my hands look quite awful as in the sun spots -- that's what they are I read recently so we can drop descriptives like "liver" and "age" from our vocabulary -- were much lighter than the post intervention results. Twice each day I slather my hands with A-Derma Epitheliale A.H. which is supposed to accelerate the healing process. As a result they are smooth and seem to be looking better every day.

Still, everyone including my dermatologist, said I won't see the results for another two weeks, i.e. total: three weeks from the day they were treated.

My, "I can't wait to wear them" rings from Splenderosa.

In anticipation of my new hands, I've ordered gorgeous rings from my great friend Marsha at the divinely elegant blog Splenderosa.

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